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Common Areas

Discover the “gems” in our backyard – the CVHA common areas -  which are all maintained by CVHA. We are also the beneficiaries of a phenomenal aerial mapping project that Sarah McClernan, a Girl Scout and resident of CVHA, did for her Gold Award. It’s a map of the entire Comstock Village common areas with all the trails and entrances. The map describes each area and even identifies where the benches and trash receptacles are located. The map has outlined trails and the accompanying common area descriptions, including “hiking boots” that indicate the difficulty levels of our trails. The maps and descriptions can be downloaded by following this link.


Enjoy our common areas, which are all property of the Comstock Village Homeowners Association! Please be considerate of your fellow Comstock Village neighbors and the outdoors!


























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Community Projects

Comstock Village homeowners have enjoyed participating in many projects to enhance our community over the years. Twice each year, the CVHA provides dumpsters for household (no mattresses or tires please) and yard waste cleanup in the Spring and the Fall. Plus, twice yearly homeowners are able to prune trees, bushes and scrub oak for fire safety and for esthetics, then have the waste shredded for compost at their curb by FireWise crews.


We’ve partnered with the city's FireWise team with matching funds to trim and clear areas susceptible to wildfire, especially in areas overgrown by dead scrub oak and with pine trees with major amounts of dead lower limbs. These provide fuel for fires to rapidly get out of control. CVHA resident, Jim Doukas is to be commended for his extra efforts to nurture these profitable relationships with the city and its administration.


Additionally, we have enjoyed these Girl Scout Gold Award projects and Boy Scout Eagle projects in our area. Boy Scouts, endeavoring for their Eagle Scout awards over the years, have arranged for thinning projects in various parts of the neighborhood, where trees and scrub oak have been trimmed and removed for wildfire safety. Area B and the trail along Foothills Creek were cleared of extra dead material and even mistletoe-infected pine tree limbs.


If your Scout Troop, Girl Scout or Boy Scout would like to suggest a project in the CVHA area, please contact our administrator by email:

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