inside this issue:
- Annual Assessment Invoice Info - Communications
- Property Maintenance in CVHA - Clearing Sidewalks
- On-Street Parking - Upcoming CVHA Events
- 2020 Board of Directors
In the aftermath of a very challenging year, we set out sights in 2021 determined to grow from lessons learned with an attitude of hope as our community, state, nations and world recover from our generations pandemic. Just as Southern Colorado recovered from the 1918 Spanish Influenza due to the strength of its communities, we will do the same. I would encourage all of us to continue taking active postures toward our community's recovery, whether it's practicing recommended health guidelines, helping neighbors in need, or just being a friendly smile and salutation to a passerby on our streets and open-space trails. The reputation of Comstock Village isn't built on the beauty of out neighborhoods; it's based on the beauty of its residents who look out for one another and represent our constituency of almost 600 homes.
Speaking of beautiful people, I would like to recognize the unsung efforts of out off-going CVHA President, Vera Feldman. Vera embodies the definition of servant leader and will finish up her term this June and retire back into the ranks of Directors on the CVHA Board. Under her steady and compassionate leadership over the last two years, our area has seen unprecedented wildfire mitigation, miles of trail improvement, and relevant Covenant modifications that will ensure Comstock Village will remain an incredible place to raise families for generations.
Thank you so much, Vera, for your selfless sacrifice to our community and your leadership by example. Your successor has big shoes to fill!
Chas Cox
CVHA Director
The invoice for your 2021 Annual Assessment of $45.00 is included in this mailing. Please note that the payment is due by . Additionally, this year, invoices will be emailed to the email address we have on file. You can pay directly through the email using a checking account number.
A rebilling fee of $30.00 will be added for those payments not received/postmarked by February 15, 2021.
Clean-Up/Dumpster Optional Donation
The optional $10.00 donation for the Clean-up program is to pay for the dumpsters that are delivered in the spring and fall. Donations to this account will be accepted in any amount.
Every Spring and Fall we have placed 6 large dumpsters at 6 different locations throughout Comstock Village during designated cleanup days. Based upon their utilization, it appears this is a useful program. However, the program is expensive. Currently, it costs your Association $340 per dumpster. To help defray the costs of the clean-up weekends, your support is solicited. You will notice that your Annual Assessment Invoice gives you the ability to donate a small amount to support this popular program. This will allow the Board to have the Spring and Fall Clean-ups and to be able to use the Annual Assessment to accomplish the administration and necessary maintenance and improvements of the common areas and other community projects. Please consider your support of
Off-Duty Police Optional Donation
The optional $20.00 donation for the neighborhood police program is to pay for the Colorado Springs Community Policing Initiative. This program hires off-duty police to patrol Comstock Village in marked police cruisers to promote safety, increase security, and provide warnings or write tickets to traffic violators. All the hours they work are logged and reported to the Association each month, sometimes with a report of what they did and where they patrolled.
Donations to this account will be accepted in any amount. All money collected for “Off-Duty Police” is spent on this program and nothing else. Last year we had overwhelming support toward this program, which allowed the Board to increase the number of off-duty police patrols scheduled in Comstock Village. Let’s keep those contributions flowing for the continued safety and security of our neighborhood in 2020!
Please use the reverse side of the Annual Assessment invoice to share your comments and concerns with the Board. in participating in the Common Area Committee? Leave a comment, and someone from the committee (which meets once a month) will personally invite you to a meeting and answer questions about the committee's activities.
If you currently do not receive occasional emails from Comstock Village, please provide our Administrator, Alicia Klausmeier, with your email address. It will never be sold or released. The Spring Newsletter is emailed, as well as timely messages pertaining to safety information and CVHA events. Don't miss out on these important emails.
For the most part, our members are doing a very good job of maintaining their homes and yards, even though we have faced the combined challenges of aging homes and an extended drought and water restrictions. Your efforts benefit everyone, as they protect property values and ensure that Comstock Village is a neighborhood where people want to live.
The Board will continue to contact homeowners and tenants when the condition of their property falls below the standards that the Covenants require. The Board asks that everyone please take a look at your properties to see if improvements can be made. That review may start with mailboxes, some of which are in need of repair.
Please remember that the Covenants require homeowners to submit an improvement application to the Board before they make exterior changes to their house (e.g., new siding, new paint, a new roof) or to windows or landscaping. The Board is required to approve all exterior changes before they occur to ensure that changes do not violate the Covenants, and it has the power to require remediation when homeowners make changes to the outside of their house or to their landscaping that violate the Covenants and have not been approved. “Exterior Maintenance Guidelines” is a helpful document available on our website that provides the standards, as stated in the Covenants, in a clear and concise format.
The easiest way to submit an improvement application is to do so directly on the CVHA website: and scroll down to "improvement application." Save a stamp and time!
The winter season is here, and all in CVHA need to remember that the Colorado Springs City Code requires homeowners to remove snow from their sidewalks within 24 hours of a storm’s conclusion. Detailed removal requirements can be found in the Colorado Springs Code, Chapter 3, Article 4, Section 202 [3.4.202]. This requirement is similar to the weed requirement in the Code; homeowners who have sidewalks that are behind their fences, i.e. Rockrimmon Blvd., are responsible for sidewalk snow removal. This area is of importance as it is used by students attending school. Do not expect to see any snow removal equipment on our local streets immediately following a storm as the priority is the arterials.
There are many seniors with physical limitations living in our community, who cannot meet this requirement without contractor assistance. We would hope that their neighbors would take on the task. Those affected would be very appreciative. The city also encourages such efforts.
If there are instances where removal is an issue, homeowners can contact COS
Code Enforcement at 719-444-7891 or with the address
and they will contact the owners for corrective action. The first notice is a friendly
reminder and is non-threatening and informational.
Cars that are parked on the street make it more difficult for motorists to see oncoming traffic and impede snow plows and street sweepers. Please respect the Comstock Village Covenants by parking your cars in your driveway or your garage. Not only is parking on the street a Covenant violation, it is illegal if it falls within any of the categories outlined in Article 12 of the Colorado Springs City Code provided below:
On the sidewalk or pedestrian walking area
Within five feet (5') of a public or private driveway
Within five feet (5') of an intersection
Within five feet (5') of a fire hydrant
On a crosswalk
Within twenty feet (20') of a crosswalk or intersection
At any place where official signs prohibit stopping, standing or parking
In addition to these safety and legal considerations, documented statistics from CSPD show that cars are less likely to be vandalized or broken into if they are parked in a driveway or garage than if they are parked on the street.
As a reminder, the Covenants prohibit parking commercial vehicles on the street. This includes pickup trucks and any other vehicles with commercial business information on the truck. Also, it is not safe to park any vehicle in a curve where the vehicle may obstruct the view of traffic in either direction.
Proposal to Adopt and Amend Comstock Village Documents to Address Violations of Provision in Comstock Village Covenants that Prohibits On-Street Parking.
Comstock Village is governed by covenants which state in Article VI, Section 7, paragraph 20(a) that "no motor vehicle owned or leased by Owners of Lots in the Properties shall be parked or maintained on any street within the properties."
On-street parking has become a serious problem in Comstock Village and the Board of Directors has addressed this issue in the past by publishing articles in newsletters and contacting homeowners who violated the rule by mail, email, or in person to discuss the rule and request voluntary compliance.
Unfortunately, these attempts have not succeeded. The Board discussed this issue at its meeting on Nov. 18, 2020 and agreed that additional action is required. That action includes giving the Board the power to impose fines on homeowners and their tenants who violate paragraph 20(a). The Board determined that changes to the Association’s By-Laws are required and has drafted documents that will be sent to all members in January which explains these changes and asks members to vote on changes to our By-Laws and resolutions the Board has drafted.
The Board of Directors meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM and is currently meeting on Zoom. All meetings of the Board of Directors are open to the members of CVHA. If you have an item to present and do not want to attend the entire meeting, you can ask to be placed first on the agenda so that you do not have to stay the whole evening. You are more than welcome to attend all meetings. Please contact the Administrator, Alicia Klausmeier, to confirm the date and location of the meeting.
President, Vera Feldman (Until end of June 2021) 599-7603
President, Chas Cox (Beginning July 2021) 244-8242
Vice President, Kevin O'Connor 494-4055
Secretary/Treasurer, Jim Doukas 531-0354
Sidney Patin 578-5104
Howard Feldman 599-7603
Bill Schmidt 531-5265