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Our Community

Welcome to Comstock Village Homeowners Association (CVHA). For homeowners or renters in Comstock Village, this website is a community connection point and resource for understanding and operating within the Covenants that govern our association of 595 homes.










Without a doubt, our community is one of the most coveted in Colorado Springs because of its gorgeous neighborhoods, common areas and trails, District 20 schools, and proximity to downtown. One of the main reasons our neighborhoods and homes have retained their beauty and value is because of the covenants we all signed up to protect when we purchased our properties. Instituted by the original developer, these covenants have been modified over the years. The most updated version can be easily referenced by clicking on the "Information" tab at the top of this home page and then selecting the “Covenants” dropdown tab.


Enforcement of the covenants is the responsibility of each resident, and the CVHA Board of Directors functions primarily to respond to violations that are brought to its attention by homeowners and the Common Area Committee. All seven CVHA Directors are fellow neighbors who were elected to volunteer for a two-year term.




Another function of the Board is to act as the Architectural Control Committee that reviews and approves all proposed modifications to the exterior of your property, which include landscaping, structural modifications, and paint colors. You are highly  encouraged to keep making exterior improvements, but you must first gain approval from the Board before you (or your contractor) launch into a project. Improvement


review and approval is a simple and expeditious process that starts by clicking on the “Information” tab at the top of this home page and then selecting the “Improvement Application Form” dropdown tab. Please make sure you get board approval before you invest any time or resources on your project.
Additionally, I would like to encourage everyone to attend our monthly CVHA board meetings and interact with your directors for any questions you may have about our association. Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month at 7:00PM at the Fire Station #18 Community Room located @ 6830 Hadler View. Contact information for your directors and administrator can be accessed by clicking on the “Contacts” tab at the top of this home page and then selecting the “Board Members” dropdown tab.

It's a blessing we call Comstock Village home, amongst neighbors who are genuinely dedicated to making this community a great place to live and grow our families. Look forward to seeing you out on our trails!
Your CVHA President & Board

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